Kyoto, this ancient city of Japan, holds an inexplicable attraction for me.
Since we first met years ago,
I have always wanted to re-visit her again and again,
for being with my inner self and for reflection.
I have always wanted to re-visit her again and again,
for being with my inner self and for reflection.
最近一次去京都是去年秋天,葉子剛剛開始變色的那幾個星期。自小一直理所當然地認為秋天是個豐收的季節的我,有天莫名思考起秋天的季節屬性。到底該是個歡喜慶豐收的季節?還是個更新的時節?不管哪個行業,每次收成後也會做個評估,以今年計劃為本,去蕪存菁一番,調配明年的執行方案吧。若照這樣想的話,秋天著實是個更新,讓能量轉換的好時節。A season for renewal 這個想法讓我決定要一遊秋天的京都。
I have long regarded autumn as a season of harvest, a time for festivals. But it just occurred to me that autumn should also be a season for renewal. We normally conduct a review when a project is completed. We then make adjustment, fine tune it, and get ourselves ready for the next one. Accordingly, it is appropriate to consider autumn as a season of renewal. That got me thinking and planning a trip for renewal in Kyoto in autumn.
雨天,來仁和寺喝茶聽雨。方丈院前。 Ninnaji on a rainy day.
one should comb/massage his/her mind everyday like this
Ninnaji is a temple that I like to visit and spend some time there to immerse myself in the serene environment. All frustrations I have do not matter any more, struggles that I face are all gone once I am here. Everything here looks naturally and ordinarily, but its effect is incredible, magnificent and inexpressible. I probably would never be able to fathom the wisdom and energy of Kyoto and the temples there.
邊寫邊覺得很療癒,原本沮喪的心情也很快恢復了,這又是京都的一種魔力吧。我要謝謝 MissLK 再次問及我的京都遊記,讓我有動力開始寫。Thanks, MissLK! :)
All photos were taken by me.
ReplyDelete@kira 兄謝謝你來留言,有機會也說說你的京都旅遊見聞吧。